2020, has definitely been a year of change. We moved out of our WASPS Studio, in Dundee where we set up our jewellery practice back in 2006. It was an end of an era with lots of happy memories. Becoming a mum, meant the start of new beginnings and new ways of working. The way to become most productive was to work from home so I decided to invest in a summerhouse.

After being off on maternity leave, I was due to come back to work at the end of March. Our summerhouse was built just before lockdown was announced but we didn’t get a chance to order all the building materials to kit out the inside of the space and turn it into a workshop. I couldn’t set up my creative space and my artist brain had shut off. At first it was really frustrating but slowly realised that there was nothing that I could do about it. At least we were happy and healthy, my husband still had a job. We could spend more time as a family. I took to gardening and started growing fruit, veg and herbs, and went for lots of walks in Tayport, to the forest, the beach and the countryside. Lockdown really made me appreciate what we have and how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place.

Genna Delaney Jewellery Summerhouse Studio

It also made me really want to get back into making jewellery. After a long spell of not being able to set up the new workshop or make jewellery due to Covid, we are finally open for business and have moved our studio to Tayport.

If you are interested in getting a unique piece made for a wedding, (bridal, engagement ring or wedding rings) a special birthday or anniversary?

Do you have old jewellery that you would like revamped or repaired?

Would you like to purchase a ready made piece from our collections?

We are open but you must book an appointment before you come. Please email hello@gennadelaney.com to arrange a time.