
Happy New Year!

How has your January been? Have you allowed yourself to do things you love? January is always a really long, tough month but we’ve made it to the end of it so what better time to treat yourself to a lovely piece of handmade jewellery. Or why don’t you have a jewellery box clear out and get some of your unworn pieces revamped / remodelled / designed into a piece that you can wear.

It’s starting to get brighter and Spring is on it’s way. Have you made any new years resolutions? For me it’s about doing the things I love and of course what I love doing is making jewellery!

For ages I’ve wanted to make a collection of alternative engagement rings so this month I took the time to make my first salt and pepper diamond engagement and fitted wedding ring set. This ring is 9ct white gold and is available to purchase. Just get in touch.

It’s the first in a series of new wedding jewellery. If you know someone who is getting married this year and is interested in getting a bespoke ring made tell them to get in touch with me.

Did you get out for many walks this January? I love getting close to nature and enjoy walks along the beach, it’s a big inspiration in my work. So I decided to photograph some of my jewellery on the natural rock formations which they are inspired by. And also photographed pieces in my garden on wooden logs as the textures of nature and trees inspire the details and shapes of my jewellery. I will be adding these pieces to my website soon.

Pittenweem Arts Festival is back this year and I’m so excited to be exhibiting again. Put the dates  6th – 13th August in your diary!!! You’ll get the chance to meet our new bundle!

Now that January is nearly over, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner why don’t you treat yourself or your partner to a nice piece of jewellery.

                                                                                                             Shop online

Do you follow me on social media? Did you see our exciting news? We are having a baby boy in May 2022. So if you are wanting to get something bespoke made get in touch now as I will be taking some time off this year.