Genna Delaney - CEO Of Genna Designs

Genna Delaney – CEO Of Genna Designs

Kickstarter Crowdfunding 3D printed Jewellery Campaign

Well the time is finally here. I’ve been prepping and planning my Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign for about a month now. We had to make a video and come up with pledges and sort out our social media strategy, organise a launch party, invite people to the event, etc, etc….

I’ve never done anything like this before and there was so much to organise. So the night had finally came for the launch of the campaign which we held last night at the DCA, Dundee and invited special guests. It’s been a really exciting few days and the Courier came last night to take photos and today I was in the local Dundee Courier newspaper on page 9.

Courier Campaign - Jeweller's Bid For Design Funding

Courier Campaign – Jeweller’s Bid For Design Funding

The launch night was so much fun. Thank you sooo much for all my friends, family and supporters that managed to make it. We showed the film, the Cloud 9 software was available to play with and I had the very first sample 3d printed pieces of jewellery on show. We reached 32% of our budget by last night!!!!

Below is the Kickstarter video that I made with my French intern Emma. I think she’s done a great job. What do you think?

So it was really scary making this video and was mega nervous about launching this campaign but I’ve had lots of positive people around to encourage me and give me confidence. For a while now I have been wanting to push myself as an artist, pushing the boundaries of jewellery design and make a new innovative collection by using 3D design software. This work would be extremely difficult to make (if not impossible) to make by hand and I would like to experiment with working in new materials, (such as wood, polyamide, leather, rubber, ceramic, allumide) combining computer design software with traditional handmade skills.

I’m really wanting to push my work to a new level and launch into international markets. But I need your help to do this. I’m totally pushing myself out of my comfort zone with this project. But the way it works is if we don’t raise the full £1500 we don’t get any of the money and I can’t go ahead and purchase the new software to make my new innovation.

So to get you all on board I have came up with pledges/experiences/ educational and fun things for you to take part in, in return for supporting me. Pledges start from £5 so it would be fantastic if you could help support my Kickstarter campaign. For more information and to make a pledge please visit my kickstarter page here.