Are you sick of seeing the same mass produced jewellery in the big brand stores? Are you wanting something totally unique to you which reflects your taste and style? But does the thought of getting a bespoke piece of jewellery made stress you out?

Getting a bespoke piece of jewellery shouldn’t be a stressful process. The simplest way of getting a piece made is to find a designer who’s style you like.

Even if you have no idea on the design you want, Genna Design can help with this. Whether you want something totally unique or something really simple and elegant, or chunky and statement, anything is possible.

How a commission works


If you would like to commission me to make an item of jewellery it is a simple process.

– Tell me what you would like made or discuss what designs are possible within your budget

(just because I am an independent designer it doesn’t mean that I charge a fortune as I don’t charge the massive mark ups that the big brand shops charge. You may be surprised that your special, own designed piece of jewellery won’t cost you an arm and a leg!!!!) So get in touch to start the process.

– Choose what metal, stones, etc you would like

– If you want me to design something for you there is a £50 design fee, but if you already have an idea in mind you don’t have to pay this.

– Use old pieces of jewellery, I can melt them down and revamp them into something you would wear.  This doesn’t need to be precious jewellery I can also give new life to beaded and costume jewellery

– Once you are happy with the design and price, you pay 50% up front (or we can set up a payment scheme which is suitable for you)

– It can take between 4-6 weeks for commissions to be made so please allow enough time. (Sometimes I can work around your deadline so get in touch to see what is possible.)

Here are some recent engagement ring commissions that I have made.

get the ball rolling.