Keeping in touch – news and events

Keeping in touch – news and events

Statement stone setting rings inspired by the coast – green quartz, smokey quartz, labradorite, tourmalinated quartz What have you been doing during lockdown?Things have been pretty quiet lately but wanted to keep you up to date with what I’ve been doing...
The Meaning Behind Gemstones

The Meaning Behind Gemstones

February Gemstone Amethyst This stone was believed by ancient Greek and Romans to ward off the intoxicating powers of Bacchus and is said to keep the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted. Amethyst is a purple quartz, a beautiful blend of purple and red. It has been...
Topaz – The Birthstone For November

Topaz – The Birthstone For November

As you may have noticed, I love using coloured stones in my jewellery.  Since it is November I thought I’d write a post about The Topaz which is this months gemstone. The Topaz is a stunning semi-precious gemstone. I mainly use the dark blue London Topaz and the...