Genna Design meets Judy Murray

Genna Design meets Judy Murray

  So it was a few weeks ago now that I got the opportunity to meet Judy Murray, the successful tennis coach, (not just Andy Murray’s mum!)   When the opportunity arose for me to attend the ASB (Association for Scottish Businesswomen) conference, in...
Future Events

Future Events

Future Events: April – May 2018 Fun A Day Exhibition – We are happy to announce the new dates for Fun A Day Dundee 2018! The exhibition opens at 7pm on Friday 13th April with live music from Ed Muirhead; a participant and musician, and runs over the...
Rising To The Top – Jenny Campbell

Rising To The Top – Jenny Campbell

I’ve been wanting to change the way I run my business for a while now and have always wanted to raise my profile with celebrity ambassadors and high profile clients.  Over the years I know that Sting’s wife (Trudie Styler) purchased a bracelet for a friend...
Future Events

Dundee Fashion Week

If you haven’t heard, Dundee is hosting it’s own Dundee Fashion Week between 7th-13th May. It’s about time Dundee had it’s own Fashion Week as there are lots of extremely talented fashion designers in Dundee. So I’m super excited to be...
Creative Pathways

Creative Pathways

Ok, so you are probably wondering what is Creative Pathways? It’s a National Creative learning project, started in Dundee and is funded by Dundee City Council and Creative Scotland. It’s a project that I’m proud and feel privileged to be part of. The...